How to create WhatsApp account without phone number.? | USA phone number| via app

Now a days social media has turned to an biggest asset in the youth, ever single person is somehow connected to social media. Among these social media platform's WHATSAPP is also an biggest messanger used by our generation .
So we always have a simple question in our mind that can we create a WhatsApp account without any phone number?
The answer is yes we can create a WhatsApp account without any phone number required using some of the easy tricks. The thing we need to do is very simple we need to download an app which gives us an USA virtual phone number and by using that number we can create a WhatsApp account. 

So here in this post I will show you guys the easy steps to create an WhatsApp account without any phone number:

Step 1: go to the Play Store and download the app "Primo" now just complete the sign up process and you will get an Usa virtual number copy that number

step 2: now open up your WhatsApp and click on accept agreement and enter the phone number we got from the primo app select the country "United states" and proceed

Step 3: now here just click on receive a call, and you will get an call from whatsapp on the primo app just recive the call and note down the verification code and proceed 

The verification is been completed and now you have successfully created an whatsapp account without providing your personal contact number.


Disclamer: the above given content is only for educational purpose make sure you guys don't use it for any kind of illegal purposes. 
How to create WhatsApp account without phone number.? | USA phone number| via app How to create WhatsApp account without phone number.? | USA phone number| via app Reviewed by Sohail akram on 08:12 Rating: 5

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